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Frameworks & Infographics Categories

Frameworks & Infographics Categories

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Framework or Infographic Tags

Edgar Schein’s Model of Organizational Culture

This is a three-level framework that helps understand an organization’s deeper layers of culture.

Competing Values

The Competing Values Framework (CVF), developed by Kim Cameron and Robert Quinn, is a model that categorizes organizational cultures into four types based on two dimensions: flexibility vs. stability and internal vs. external focus. The four culture types identified by the CVF are Clan Culture (Collaborate), Adhocracy Culture (Create), Market Culture (Compete), and Hierarchy Culture (Control).

The Skills that Make Up Executive Presence

A model showing the skills that make up the three main elements of executive presence: gravitas, confidence, and competence.Use this model to understand the key skills and elements that make up executive presence to determine which one’s should you foster the most according to your needs.

Ethical Political Skills Model

A framework developed Ferris et al., for ethically navigating organizational politics. The model includes four key components: Social Savvy, Interpersonal Influence, Networking Ability, and Sincerity

Six Thinking Hats

The Six Thinking Hats Model, developed by Edward de Bono, proposes looking a decision from six different perspectives, each represented by a colored hat.

Rational Decision-Making Process

The Rational Decision-Making Process suggests that decision-makers identify objectives, evaluate alternatives based on criteria, choose the best alternative, and implement and monitor the decision.

PrOACT Model

The PrOACT Model provides a systematic approach to analyze and evaluate choices for informed and smart decision-making.

The Flow Cycle

The Flow Channel Cycle represents the iterative process of entering, maintaining, and exiting the state of flow.

Flow Channel

The Flow Channel Model depicts the relationship between skill level and challenge, illustrating how optimal performance and engagement occur when tasks match individual capabilities.

GROW Model

The GROW Model for Coaching, developed by Sir John Whitmore and others, guides conversations, seeking to clarify objectives, assess current situations, explore potential actions, and commit to next steps for achieving goals.


The OSKAR Model in coaching provides a solution-focused approach to help clients identify goals, assess progress, leverage strengths, affirm successes, and take action towards desired outcomes.

FUEL Model

The FUEL Model in coaching focuses on the components that allow for structured conversations aimed at goal achievement.

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