
Our growing library is designed to help you sharpen your career focus, strengthen your leadership profile, manage your team better, and be ready for your next job search.

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The CLEAR Model, developed by Peter Hawkins, provides a structure for coaching conversations aimed at achieving client-defined goals.

GTD (Getting Things Done)

Getting Things Done is a productivity methodology developed by David Allen, that helps reduce mental clutter and increase efficiency.

Eisenhower Matrix

The Eisenhower Matrix is a prioritization tool that divides tasks into four quadrants based on their urgency and importance, to help manage time and focus on high-impact activities.

Deep Structure of Regret (Daniel Pink)

Daniel Pink’s Deep Structure of Regret categorizes regrets into four types, Foundation, Boldness, Moral, and Connection, providing the inner needs that they reveal.

Satir Change Model

The SATIR Change Model outlines a four-stage process to understand and navigate personal and organizational change.

Arruda’s Personal Brand Framework

Arruda’s Personal Brand Methodology provides a step-by-step process to help individuals create a distinctive personal brand that aligns with their professional goals and aspirations.

Effective Negotiation

This PathWise Sketch summarizes the key skills necessary for effective negotiation.

Five Negotiation Styles

The Five Negotiation Styles framework categorizes negotiation approaches to help define the best strategies for achieving desired outcomes in different situations.

McKinsey’s 7 S

McKinsey’s 7S Framework examines seven interrelated elements within an organization to assess alignment and facilitate strategic change.

STAR Model

The STAR Model is a structured technique for asking behavioral interview questions. It helps interviewees provide detailed responses, allowing interviewers to assess the candidate more effectively.

SOAR Stories

The SOAR Stories Framework offers a structured approach for crafting compelling narratives, enabling individuals to effectively communicate their achievements and experiences.

Habit Cycle

The Habits Cycle, as described by James Clear, illustrates how habits are formed and maintained by a cue triggering a behavior routine, followed by a reward, which influences subsequent repetitions

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