
Our growing library is designed to help you sharpen your career focus, strengthen your leadership profile, manage your team better, and be ready for your next job search.

Frameworks & Infographics Categories

Frameworks & Infographics Categories

Framework or Infographic Tags

Framework or Infographic Tags

Habit Cycle

The Habits Cycle, as described by James Clear, illustrates how habits are formed and maintained by a cue triggering a behavior routine, followed by a reward, which influences subsequent repetitions

10 Deep Interests

The 10 Deep Interests, proposed by Timothy Butler, categorize fundamental interests, across various domains, providing insights into intrinsic motivators and potential career paths.

Cycle of Impasse

The Cycle of Impasse, proposed by Timothy Butler, delineates the stages individuals undergo when facing career dilemmas or transitions

Circle of Conflict

The Circle of Conflict illustrates the sources of conflict, providing a framework to understand and address causes effectively.


The GRPI Framework provides a structure to navigate team dynamics effectively, addressing the elements necessary for successful team functioning.


The SBI Framework structures feedback into three components: describing the situation, the observed behavior, and the impact of that behavior, facilitating constructive communication.

Communication Pyramid

The Communication Pyramid is a hierarchical model illustrating different levels of communication

Stages of Effective Information Processing

The Stages of Effective Information Processing is a cognitive model that describes how individuals process information to optimize learning and decision-making processes.

Johari Window

The Johari Window is a psychological model that represents the relationship between self-awareness and interpersonal communication, represented in four quadrants: open, blind, hidden, and unknown, to facilitate understanding and development in relationships.

Covey’s Five Levels of Listening

The Tuckman’s Stages of Group Development model describes sequential phases—forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning—that teams typically go through as they develop and achieve cohesion.

Tuckman’s Stages of Group Development

The Tuckman’s Stages of Group Development model describes sequential phases—forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning—that teams typically go through as they develop and achieve cohesion.

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