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Thought Leader Profiles

Our PathWise team follows a number of recognized thought leaders who we think you should know. We've created the following Thought Leader Profiles to help you learn more about them and their thoughts on careers, leadership, and personal development.

Each profile includes a short bio on the featured individual, an overview of their key areas of expertise, and an introduction to their unique perspectives. Additionally, we’ve included links to each thought leader’s website, social media accounts, and content distribution platforms to make it easy for you to access their work more fully and directly.

PathWisdom Newsletters

Check out our past PathWisdom newsletters! Each issue provides a wealth of content, including PathWise core beliefs, our top social media posts from the prior month, career guidance from our team and advisory group of coaches, book recommendations, motivational quotes, and news on upcoming events.

If you aren't currently subscribed to our newsletter, you can sign up at the bottom of this page.
Bird's eye view of diverse men and women standing in office talking with each other.
Confident lady business woman standing by a whiteboard leading a meeting.
A young man covers his ears to avoid hearing the uncomfortable truth.
Rear view of university graduates dressed in cap and gown.
Silhouette of joyful woman outdoors at sunset with her hands in the sky.
Unhappy woman frowns face in displeasure and shrugs shoulders standing at an office table.


Our growing library is designed to help you sharpen your career focus, strengthen your leadership profile, manage your team better, and be ready for your next job search.

Frameworks & Infographics

Frameworks & Infographics Categories

Frameworks & Infographics Categories

Framework or Infographic Tags

Framework or Infographic Tags

Porter’s Five Forces

Porter’s Five Forces model illustrating the competitive dynamics within an industry.

Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions

A framework developed by Geert Hofstede to understand cultural differences between organizations.

Edgar Schein’s Model of Organizational Culture

This is a three-level framework that helps understand an organization’s deeper layers of culture.

Competing Values

The Competing Values Framework (CVF), developed by Kim Cameron and Robert Quinn, is a model that categorizes organizational cultures into four types based on two dimensions: flexibility vs. stability and internal vs. external focus. The four culture types identified by the CVF are Clan Culture (Collaborate), Adhocracy Culture (Create), Market Culture (Compete), and Hierarchy Culture (Control).

The Skills that Make Up Executive Presence

A model showing the skills that make up the three main elements of executive presence: gravitas, confidence, and competence.Use this model to understand the key skills and elements that make up executive presence to determine which one’s should you foster the most according to your needs.

Ethical Political Skills Model

A framework developed Ferris et al., for ethically navigating organizational politics. The model includes four key components: Social Savvy, Interpersonal Influence, Networking Ability, and Sincerity

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